Cover Letter

The goal of this course was to achieve certain course learning outcomes. Throughout the semester, these course learning outcomes were achieved through different assignments such as explanatory essay, the literacy narrative, and the research critical analysis.

The first course learning outcome that was achieved was to explore and analyze, in writing and reading, a variety of genres and rhetorical situations. In order to find sources that would strengthen my papers, it was important to be able to understand what information each source had and find the best way to incorporate those sources into my paper. Throughout the semester, I had found different types of sources, such as journal entries, news articles, and scholarly papers, and it was important to be able to effectively understand and use each of my sources in my paper in order to strengthen my arguments. One step in the writing process that helped achieve this course learning outcome was writing the annotated bibliographies. Taking this step before writing the papers was very helpful as the annotated bibliography helped me understand when and how I should incorporate my sources into my paper in the most effective manner.

The next course learning outcome that was accomplished this semester was to develop strategies for reading, drafting, collaborating, revising, and editing. This is a fairly important course learning outcome, as the steps mentioned in the course learning outcome are crucial to the writing process. Almost all of the assignments done this year worked to achieve this outcome. For example, the certain strategies that I developed by discussion and analyzing articles in class helped me understand what I should be looking for while in the research stage of writing and what I should use in my papers from what I found. For drafting, collaborating, revising, and editing, the peer reviews were the most helpful process. While I was able to help my classmates by reviewing their papers, it also helped me understand what kind of things I should be looking for in my own papers.

Another course learning outcome that was achieved this semester was to recognize and practice key rhetorical terms and strategies when engaged in writing situations. This was another course learning outcome that was also accomplished through readings and analysis during class. Seeing key rhetorical terms and strategies used in the pieces we reviewed in class helped me understand how I could incorporate some of those same strategies into my assignments and papers. Being able to reference some of the readings we did in class helped me improve my papers and assignments, since I was able to see what the strategies looked like in context before I used them myself. The peer reviews also helped me achieve this course learning outcome. Reviewing someone else’s paper helped me recognize key rhetorical terms and strategies, which in turn helped me practice those rhetorical terms and strategies in my own writing.

Engaging in the collaborative and social aspects of the writing process was another course learning outcome that was accomplished this semester. For the literacy narrative, the explanatory essay, and the research critical analysis, peer reviewing was an integral part in the writing process and an important step towards achieving this course learning outcome. When my peers reviewed my papers, they often found small mistakes and nuances that could be fixed and improved upon that might not have ever seen. When I was reviewing other classmates’ papers, it also helped show me what I should be looking for in my papers in case I missed anything. It also help inspire me and show me new or different writing techniques and how I could possibly incorporate them into my paper.

A course learning outcome that was prevalent in the writing process of every paper and assignment in this course was to understand and use print and digital technologies to address a range of audiences. Although I never used a print source, it was still important to understand the digital sources I found in order to use them properly in my papers. It was also important to make sure that the sources I used in my paper weren’t overly complicated and technical, in order to make sure that readers would be able to understand what the source is saying and why the source was being used. But, at the same time, it was also important to not keep things too simple, because that would risk losing important information that had to be described in a relatively complicated and technical way.

Locating research sources (including academic journal articles, magazine and newspaper articles) in the library’s databases or archives and on the Internet and evaluate them for credibility, accuracy, timeliness, and bias was a very important course learning outcome that was achieved during this semester, since almost none of my assignments could be completed without searching for sources in the library databases. But in order to actually use any sources, it was important to make sure that the sources were credible and the information they contained was accurate. Incorporating sources into my papers was helpful in achieving this course learning outcome, as it made me take a close look at the sources I was using in order to make sure that the sources were reliable and not out-of-date. Using the library’s databases and archive helped with this, because the search engines have plenty of options and features to help pare down search results

One of the main course learning outcomes was to compose texts that integrate your stance with appropriate sources using strategies such as summary, critical analysis, interpretation, synthesis, and argumentation. The biggest thing that helped me achieve this course learning outcome was arguing a position in the research critical analysis. In order to successfully argue my position in the paper, it was important to use the right sources in a way that helped strengthen my argument. It was also important to find a counter argument and to be able to use and acknowledge that counter argument in my paper. In achieving this course learning outcome, it also helped me to evolve my original topic—which was very broad—into a topic that was much more manageable.

The last course learning outcome accomplished was to practice the systematic application of citation conventions. Citations are obviously very important when writing papers, as it provides a reference to where the information being used is coming from—and helps prevent plagiarism. Throughout all of the large papers we had during the semester, properly citing sources after quotes and paraphrases was an essential part in the writing process, as was the works cited pages at the end of the papers. The annotated bibliographies we did before writing the papers helped too, as they were more practice for the works cited page at the end of the papers, and it helped show us what to write in for the in-text citations.

In total, there were eight course learning outcomes achieved this semester. All of the assignments and papers we did throughout the semester helped to accomplish these course learning outcomes, no matter what the assignment was.