Writing this literacy narrative about one of my own experiences in writing was a unique challenge, because I couldn’t really think of any extremely significant moments that had occurred to or with me. In fact, for me, the hardest part of this assignment was just finding a topic to write about. What really helped me in finding my own topic was going through and reading other people’s topics, it gave me ideas and inspiration about a few moments in my life that involved writing that I could actually write about. Once I finally started writing the literacy narrative, I found that retelling my story was easier than I had initially thought. Because of this, I decided to skip an outline entirely, which is something that I do almost every time I write an essay or a paper because it helps me organize my ideas. What made writing this literacy narrative easier was the fact that I knew what I had to accomplish: making the story well-told, vivid details, and an explanation of why the story was significant. Since I knew I had to accomplish those three goals, I was able to incorporate them into the story as I was writing, instead of finishing the story and returning to it later in order to fulfill the goals. From there, once I finished the literacy narrative, I reread it about twice in order to make sure that the story flowed and made sense, and that there wasn’t any spelling or grammatical errors, and then I turned it in.